This is just a quick entry to point out some ironic similarities between my current situation and those that I faced 4 years ago.
As my other post pointed out, I started my new airline career on 29Jan2018. The following Monday, 5feb2018 is the morning of a very important exam and also the morning I found out about my ex cheating on me. This year, 24Jan2022, is the day I started training with a new airline. The following Monday, was a bit of a tough day for me with a lot of memories resurfacing. Luckily there were no tests that day and it actually ended up being a day off. I took advantage of the day to drive into the everglades and enjoy some scenery and wildlife that I wasn't overly familiar with. This was my first real experience with Alligators and absolutely loved it.
Overall, I'm in a much better part of my life now and have so much to be thankful for. Most importantly a very specific person that I will introduce sometime much later in my writings.